its a 2.8 87 6000 le, 400,000km. on a cold start the car starts up fine, once you let it worm up turn it off and try to start it it wont turns and turns, we did a comp reading and it says 43 Electronic spark control so i got a used coil pack and ignision module same prob. are engine light would stay on so and was told the computer could be messed up so i changed that. the comp reading also said code 54 fuel pump curcuit (low voltage) fuel pump is a month old the filter 1 year

i bought a used fuel tank and lines a month ago as well.
is the electronic spark control not the coil pack and what is fuel pump curciut (low voltage mean any help is appreciated.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
To elaberate the code 54 low voltage could mean one of two things.One is the fuel pump relay is not working properly or two that the fuel pump it self is not working properly.What u need to do is get a fuel pressure test done to verify the psi for ur yr and model to make sure its with in specs say 10-15psi this is just a example.If the pump is running weak the pressure would b to low and cause the car to run poorly or not at all.U may just have a pump that's going bad and yet the car may still run but ,at some point the pump will die and the car will not run at all.Do a psi check on fuel pressure since it does affect the electronic fuel injection.That's my recomm.
might be a bad ground from the pump...i had something similar with fiero once...can't remember the year but it turned out to be a bad o2 sensor on a 2.8 v6..
I forgot to add that these are some other possibilties listed for that code 54
EGR solenoid NO.2 failure
Quad driver module (QDM) output failure
Mixture control (M/C) solenoid circuit voltage too high
These are the rest of what the code could B but I would check for proper connections going to ur fuel pump if u can check them and check out ur EGR valve it maybe just gummed up with carbon,DO not confuse this with the egr solenoid.The egr valve will have a vacumm line going to it and just pull it off if the car runs fine U have solved the problem.IF u like u may clean it with carb cleaner and wire brush and make sure the metal pintal that moves up and down MOVES freely and that if the rubber diapram inside is visable its not cracked or loosing vacumm.End result if the egr is shot buy a new one.I hope this helps I just forgot to add these things b4 to check based on the book descriptions and my knowledge as well.
Thank you i will try on sunday.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
yes....this is vapor lock. could be anything that creates or regulates pressure.