The other day it rained... so i turned on my radio in the morning and my radio wouldn't power my speakers.. i have a small alphasonik amp running my 6 x 9's and my front speakers .. but anyway it wouldn't go past like 10 on the volume level.. so i cound't figure it out.. well i open my trunk to look at my amp which is on the back of the seat. and i lift up the spare tire and everything else and there is a puddle of wather about 2 inches deep in my trunk.. wtfh? what is this? i checked my seals and it looks as if they are fine. i don't know though after my trunk aired out my amp worked fine.. so i think it was cause it got wet.. but the amp is near the top of the back seat.. how could it be wet? how could there be that much water? and where woudl it be coming in!!!??! if you know HELP!! AHHH
its most likely the rear wheel well welds. ive seen it happen alot.
lift up the spare tire cover, if thats filled up, check all weather stripping and you see nothing irregular id guess its the whell well welds. had body work done recently?
just got mine back from the dealership because of the same problem. They told me the seal on the rear window was shot. If you think your is bad, when i took mine in the whole spare wheel weel was filled with water.
2004 Cavalier, 2.2L Ecotec
1965 El Camino, 396 BBC, 14:1, 800 BHP
i have the same problem...the carpet gets wet on the right side, and the spare tire well fills up with happens when i wash my car
so i just keep a towel under the spare cover
Did you put you aftermarket spoiler bolts through the trunk lid where the trunk is supposed to seal? A friend of mine had a shop do that to his car, F#*@'d it all up.
Ben992200 wrote:Did you put you aftermarket spoiler bolts through the trunk lid where the trunk is supposed to seal? A friend of mine had a shop do that to his car, F#*@'d it all up.
nope, it did it before i put on the prostock wing, besides, i used silicone sealant around the washers for the wing.
my guess is the window seal. the trunk seal has a lip that it clips onto. water would have to go under the seal, up the lip and back under the seal to get inside. but to be sure get some clear silicone, take off the trunk seal and squirt it inside the seal then put it back on. do the same around your window, but smooth it out with your fingers. and take your time doing it. you don't want your car looking like an old beat up truck.
I would have wrote you a poem, but I couldn't find anything that rhymed with F@#K OFF!
Nope, you're all wrong guys. It's the trunk vent, located in the fender well on the passenger side. The trap lifts open when you drive, and water gets it. Just lift the trunk carpet over the right wheel well, and put some duct tape on it. Problem solved
Mine ( 03 Cav LS ) was taken care of under warranty, they just replaced the trap with a non-vented one.
my issue was the drain hose from my sunroof. the hose runs back to the RIGHT side of the trunk and plugs into the vent or close to it. i cant recall which. after fixing that, no more water!!!! sunroof owners should check that out.
Peace Out!!!
do u have euro tails? thats wut happened with me, same problem, it looks like OPETH has euros too, i took mine out and never had a drip ever again, check out around inside there, quick check and easy fix, jus fill the holes where it bolts in with some clear caulking
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Enrique R. wrote:my issue was the drain hose from my sunroof. the hose runs back to the RIGHT side of the trunk and plugs into the vent or close to it. i cant recall which. after fixing that, no more water!!!! sunroof owners should check that out.
bam...exactly what i was thinkin...thanks man
i told the dealership i thought it was the vent on the right side of the trunk. they said it was the rear window seal. just for the hell of it, do you have a part number on the non vented piece?
2004 Cavalier, 2.2L Ecotec
1965 El Camino, 396 BBC, 14:1, 800 BHP