So to sum it up my issues are, any throttle input other then light throttle make the car hesatate. Also just changing from park to drive or turning on a/c will also do this and sometimes stall. So far whats been replaced is map, cps, ignition module and both coils, new plugs and wires, new head. Nothing has seemed to change it in any way. It ran this way with the tbi setup so i switched it over to the next version from a 93. All new gaskets and even gasket maker at head to manifold. Odd thing is the car starts extremely fast on first try since switching intake over. If i tap the gas while the idle is still coming down it reacts fine but once it settles it wants to not run right. I also have cut the down pipe to eliminate any exhaust restriction. I also pulled the timing cover and gears match for time. Fuel pump was also changed when intake swap was completed. I know its running rich from sooted plugs and u can smell it when u tap the gas. Once it sputters for a second or two it clears up and takes off. Even tried another ecm and prom. Also cleaned the grounds by trans and battery to body. I do have a scanner to read data. Did notice with scanner that idle will go up and down with o2 reading. Im lost for any other ideas.
Does the 2.2L have an ignition coil housing? On the 2.4L, that housing can develop hidden, microscopic cracks in the hidden, printed-on wires. Those small cracks cause arcing which causes weird behavior. On my 2.4L, the car would hesitate at slow speeds but run fine at higher speeds.
It has a ignition module the coils plug in to. Ive tried that too with no luck. Its in the shop now but haven't heard anything.