So I have been searching through old posts for an hour now to no avail. I have a 1996 Cavalier z24, and am having some "overheating" issues. I've read that the radiator fan won't kick on until ~223*, or when the AC is turned on. I tested this by running my AC (nothing but slightly cool air coming through) and the fan does not activate; as far as the running temp I start to panic when it reaches like ~215*ish and shut it off. I just topped off my coolant (previous owner rigged together a crap coolant return line that the car did not like), all of my fuses are good. All of the threads I have read through state that their fans kick in when the AC turns on, so I am kind of lost at the moment please help!

Me: Mmmmmm, what is this? It tastes just like chicken and rice!
Him: Hey! That's my Civic bro!
Me: Sweet, I was right.
The best thing to do with those 90's cavies (I did with mine) is to splice in a switch with direct power and a fuse to the fan, then you can just flip the switch in your cabin to turn the fan on.
My 03 cavy doesn't have problems keeping cool, but my 95 before it did...
--------------------------My Garage History--------------------------
95 Ford Probe SE (5-Spd) (Junked)
96 Saturn SW2 (Auto) (Til I Rolled it)
97 Dodge Avenger v6 (Auto) <3 (Til a senior citizen T-Boned it.)
08 Kawasaki Ninja 250 (6-Speed) (Sold)
82 Yamaha Maxim 400 (5-Speed) (Sold)
95 Chevy Cavalier 2.2 Coupe (5-Spd) (Traded it for current car)
---Currently Owned---
11 Yamaha V-Star 650 Custom (5-Speed)
03 Chevy Cavalier LS Sport Coupe 2.2 Ecotec (5-Spd)
Well after a bit of further tinkering, the fan doesn't even kick on when I pull the ECT! Is replacing the fan motor going to be a hefty job? It looks like I should be able to drop it from below with relative ease...

Me: Mmmmmm, what is this? It tastes just like chicken and rice!
Him: Hey! That's my Civic bro!
Me: Sweet, I was right.
+1 for wiring in a switch ! I have an atermarket fan and flip it on when it reaches 195, works great ! Replacing the fan motor doesn't seem like a hard job at all. Seems like it would come out through the top, but the bottom might be easier if you can get the front end up high enough on jackstands or just use a lift if you have access to one.
fan motor for my 04 cav was only $20 or $25 at Auto Zone. The only reason mine was a PITA was because of my intercooler piping and supercharger stuff. it pulls out through the bottom on an Ecotec.
Yours prob isnt much different. should be easy without lots of mods done to it getting in the way. But the manual fan mod isnt a bad idea if they are notorious even with working fan. Or you could run dual fans and toss the single factory one. also, think about finding a tuner to turn your fans on much sooner.
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
Fan motor is a pretty straight forward swap out. Sounds like that is your problem.
FU Tuning
So I swapped the motor out, runs great when I pull the ECT; however it doesn't come on at all when the AC is on. The AC doesn't really blow cold, would that matter?

Me: Mmmmmm, what is this? It tastes just like chicken and rice!
Him: Hey! That's my Civic bro!
Me: Sweet, I was right.
Weird that it does not come on when ac is on.
FU Tuning
Addicted to meth wrote:Weird that it does not come on when ac is on.
I know puzzles me too. I have no clue what to think. I'll be driving up to temp tomorrow to see if the fan will kick on under it's own volition.

Me: Mmmmmm, what is this? It tastes just like chicken and rice!
Him: Hey! That's my Civic bro!
Me: Sweet, I was right.