I found this spool of
fuel line. My cousin has a mac tool flaring tool set i can use. Should i do that? my winter beater cavalier has 3 patched spots on the fuel line with hoses, so this spool should be enough to run new pressure feed lines for both cavs. I already replaced both brake lines with this same poly coated line, from master cylinder, back to the axle on my Z. Which brings me to my second question. When i tried flaring the end of the brake line by the master cylinder with a cheap $10 kit from Oreillys(big mistake), i broke off the tip that goes inside the brake line, and it went down the line. After i exchanged for a different one, i broke the tip again. Went back to oreillys and got my money back. After that, i used my cousins flaring tool, and whoa, quality does wonders! lol. So i finished the job, and bled the lines with that tip still in the line. They seem to be bled fine, brakes are tight. I'm personally not too worried about it, but i'm no expert. What im curious is will this cause me problems in the future?

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there is not one line on a j-body that is 3/8". you would need three car lengths for 3/16 with bubble flares on each end (two for the back brakes, and one for the front two.) add to that, for fuel lines, one feed with a hydraulic quick disconnect on one end and an inverted flare on the other in 5/16, and one return in 1/4 proprietary gm flare. with a connection to a nylon line for the other, you'll be in $3000 in tooling before buying line. then you'll need 3 sizes. so no, prolly wont pan out the way youre thinking.
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I can tell u that I have a blue point(snap on) flaring kit and I have broke the nipple on the 3/16" one numerous times
I already have the rear 2 brakes done so i dont have to worry about those. I'm guessing my best option would be to replace the back half of the fuel lines, splicing in a few quick connects to the new line at the rear from a wrecker.
Capn Bloodbeard wrote:there is not one line on a j-body that is 3/8".
Correct me if i'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the fuel lines are 3/8" OD. All the sites i looked at for fuel lines, and replacement fittings for a cavalier said so anyways.
Corey Dorman wrote:I can tell u that I have a blue point(snap on) flaring kit and I have broke the nipple on the 3/16" one numerous times
Reason why mine broke off, is i didn't have a reamer to ream out the end of the line and i didnt file the edges smooth before i started. I probably would have been fine if i did a better preperation job.

"If I'm not back in 5 minutes...just wait longer"
I use to work at O`reillys and yeah the cheap, cheap kits are total waste of money but I bought the kit out of the rental program they have and never had a problem breaking anything and been used many times over the 2 years I have owned it. Also I don`t own a "reamer" as you called it but just always used my skinny skinny philips screw driver to clean/ smooth edge on end of tube after cutting it and that always seems to work well for me, never had a line leak yet on me.
My cousin had a
reamer hand tool in his set. Not sure if he put it in there, but he usually gathers his best tools, and makes his own kit. I know some people use a utility knife, or even in your case, a small phillips screwdriver.

"If I'm not back in 5 minutes...just wait longer"
That reamer is usually built into most pipe cutters.... they don't make tools like they used to though.. my suggestion would be to go spend a few hours at a u-pull and get a good set of lines off a rust free jbody for probably under 25 bucks.
Have a nice day.
I think i may take that advice...ill probably go look around at the junk yard for a fairly clean jbody for some used lines...also, are all fuel lines the same size on cavalier/sunfires 95-99?

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