Hi guys i have a issue with my 95 sunfire with an ecotec engine.. The problem appered last week the car was starting normally when suddently it wont start anymore! The gaz pump starts ( i can ear it) but it seems like no power to the spark plugs and the injectors.. I'm new at all this so i don't know where to look any advice would be great! ( sorry for my mistakes i'm french
I changed the coil pack and nothing have changed... It looks like i don't have gaz coming from the injectors! The cylinders are dry! No teft lock light cause i did the thing with the resistor on the ignition... Any clues? Should i check the pulsing on the injectors? The computer maube dead? Anyways anyone can help me plz?!? :-(
The first step is always determine for sure if u have spark and if u have fuel. Step 1 use spark tester or u can take plug out, with it all hooked up ground part of plug threads are on, crank engine to c if plug fires. For fuel one test is to pour some fuel into intake or spray starting fluid as it is cranking.
Then u can work backwards from there.
Ok good tanks! But i had another issue before everything went wrong i had a wire from the door sensor ( the green one) that melted when i opened a door( smoke coming from the door) and i couln't find the problem so i cut the wire... Is there a link between this wire and the ingnition problem that i have?!?