ok i replaced my timming chain guide. i have spark i have fuel but it just wont crank over what should i check next ?
2004 chevy cav 2.2 ecotec 40.000 miles
well judging from your post. you have a problem with your car.
you have to be specific as to what it happening. are you getting a click click click sound like it won't turn over. is it turning over and won't fire. do you hear a whining noise coming from the gas tank when you turn the key to try to start it.
answer those and we may be able to help you.
ok i got it to trun but wont trun over. i hear the fuel pump when i turn the key.
I suggest taking it to a shop, you got it to run but wont turn over? doesn't make sense. You cant just join the forum to have use fix your car for free
So besides Alex C being kind of a dick. you'bve got it to turn over, but it will not fire. This could be several issues, since you hear the fuel pump run at this point you can assume you are getting fuel. so i could very easily be a electrical issue. how are the spark plugs. pull one out and have some one hold the wire and the plug near the engine valve cover, see if its getting spark. check the date and the voltage on the battery, you might be getting spark but not enought to sustain it firing. if you can, pull the alt. and have it tested at a napa or orielly's autopart. check if that is bad.
lol just telling it how it is. Shes to vague on her post, you got it to run but wont turn over doesn't make any sense.
and Tod, she has a ecotec there are no spark plug wires on it. She will have to unbolt the coil pack and pull up on it will cranking and see if she hears spark. As far as the alternator that will not prevent the car from starting. I would suggest making sure the battery is full charged and check for spark and fuel pressure. If the car is starting but immediately dying she has a passlock issue. or maybe she possibly didnt align timing marks on the engine. Kathryn could you tell us if the engine is turning over or making a click sound?
My face when Alex C can't read:
kathryn maurer wrote:ok i got it to trun but wont trun over. i hear the fuel pump when i turn the key.
Where in there does it say that she got it to start?
Yes, there's a typo... most people can figure out what a typo is supposed to read.
Still not low enough for a signature.
i clearly saw
TURN not
t run ..... lol... He even got that pointed out to him and he didn't see it...
anyway moving this to the correct section... "Maintenance and Repair" --- General is not the place for repair related questions.