2000 z24
got about 160k on it.
so went ot sell my spare car. dude was going to buy it and we started driving it back to the cities form where it was (100 mile trip or so) and we got maybe 40 miles and the oil light came on, then sputtered, power loss, and then eventual stall (engine killed). opened hood and there was steam coming out, was a white smoke per say. we couldnt find any major leaks of anything, checked oil it was full according to the dipstick. so we tried ot start it again, it tried to starts, sputtered kinda made what sounded like a clunk or tick and didnt start. so we pushed it to a safe part of the p[arking lot we parked at. and tried to start it again, this time it fired, sputtered then killed.
so to recap.
40 mile trip
Oil light came on
loss of power
wont start back up
so my dads going to get it now in the morning and hes goign to look at it. few things we thought it could be was the catalytic converter or the Crank position sensor. but idk if either of those would make the oil light come on? and make it smoke? im just confused anyhelp will be appreciated....

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I believe if the oil sensor gets a low signal it will shut the engine off. It will work if you disconnect the oil pressure sender though (it acts as if it has pressure with it disconnected). I would test the oil pressure sender and make sure its functioning. If it is you might have something mechanically wrong with your engine that is causing it to not have enough oil pressure.
do you know where this sensor is located?

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soooo dad went and got the car, tried to start it. started fine and is driving it home....

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