I had my driver side wiper stop working today. The passenger side is still working, so i guess it popped off the track. How would I access the arm?
Take the plastic cowl off..
Have a nice day.
Does the wiper itself need to come off?
Probably yes
Have a nice day.
Yes it does. Remove the little cap, then remove the 13 mm nut, the arm should come off with a quick rap on the bendable joint on the arm.
same for the passenger side.
Then remove the pop rivets that hold the cowl down. shimmy the cowl out from under the windshield moulding, and you can remove the 3 bolts holding the wiper linkage and motor on.
Chances are you probably need a new linkage, or need to repair it.
It is as Sunfire said. I just fixed this issue today. Do exactly as he said, and then if it is one of the 3 Bushings, here is the how-to:
Once the linkage and motor are removed from the car it will look like this:
This is what the bushings look like when they are good (Yes I know mine has a crack)
This is what a bad one looks like
Now there are no exact replacement bushings for our linkage. They expect you to buy a whole new linkage which is at least $70. This fix costs all of $3.99 plus tax. At your local auto store ( In my case it is Advance Auto Parts) buy Dorman #49447 which is Dorman - Help Windshield Wiper Linkage Bushing Assortment. It has 4 different types of bushings, of which only 1 type will work for you.
This is the bushing you need. There are 3 in the package

Now the rest is simple. Just shave off the flaps, and shave down the 4 ridges antil it is a tight fit for the arm. Use a hammer to pop the bushing into the hole on the arm. Pop the arm and bushing onto the ball and viola, it is now fixed and ready to go.
It is a nice and tight fit on the arms, so they will not pop off again. It is also a perfect fit around the ball.
The link for the part is:
Your text to link here...
I ended up replacing 2 of my 3 bushings as 1 of the others was getting ready to go. Hope I was able to help. Sorry to beating you on a how-to Sunfire. I actually got your PM reply after I fixed the issue.
^^ No worries man. I never did end up writing one, and you aren't first guy to pm me about it. I really should...
well where the hell were you 2 or 3 months ago when like an idiot, i grabbed my wiper to 'slap' it back down to get rid of a streak and it busted that cap?! lol. Ive never had a wiper break doing that on any vehicle until this Cavy...ended up having to find a used assembly for like $30 or something.
good to know about that bushing..but yeah the assembly is super easy to remove and it takes maybe less than 5 minutes.
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.