Hooked my car up to a matco scanner today, showing upstream sensor is slow reacting. I put a Bosch in about 2 months ago so I'm taking it back, what brand do I need to go with? The scanner also showed that the downstream is flat lined on voltage, what brand would be a good replacement?
That eh hole with the checkered shirt at advance
delco for the front, and depending on the condition of when you took the reading for the back, that's normal operation. the downstream isn't supposed to flop like the upstream.
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I didn't have a check engine light, but the scanner showed down stream sensor to have a code
That eh hole with the checkered shirt at advance
And does anybody know how to convert the one wire to a heated sensor? I seen how to do the two wire but couldn't find it for the one wire
That eh hole with the checkered shirt at advance
Curious as to why would you want to do that? How would the heater control be regulated?
prime M wrote:Curious as to why would you want to do that? How would the heater control be regulated?
I would like to do some exhaust work, but I have read that the unheated sensors have a problem with getting to operating temp when you open the exhaust up
That eh hole with the checkered shirt at advance