Pulled out the #12's I was using to replace with the stock 41-942's, and something just seemed off about the plugs I pulled out. They all look very similar to the one below.
They seem to look like a tannish color, Looks normal to me.
That is a good clean plug!Normal use,no detatanation,over rich,ashes,or center cone breaking down,that is what it should look like after average miles and routine change.No worries there
Well, I'll keep them around then. They've got about 1k miles on them or so.
I pulled mine out after about 10k (they were the stock delcos) and they were SUPER white. Almost like it was way lean or something. No one here seemed to think it was too big of an issue. (2200 OHV w/ ~100K). That plug looks ideal. Definitely nothing to worry about there.

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