hesitation - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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On sudden acceleration the engine makes a prrr,prrr and then vrooommmm, what is causing this any sugestion. It started with loss of power and failing engine I replaced the coil cover and both coils and it ran ok for a few days then I noticed the new situation. I put back the old coils and same thing, could it be the new coil cover is defective? Its a Z24 with the LD9.
Is it misfiring???
Not really or just barely, it is not doing the hesitation all the time but I feel as if it is getting more noticeable and more often just hope it wonŽt let me down on holidays. Allready ordered a new coil cover which is my primary suspect.
well if your talking about the white housing, those are known to go bad but you can see when they do. If you look at the housing, and see little dust tracks it could mean that its cracked just enough to have the spark jump through. I would also look into a new ICM. Those can cause all sorts of stupid issues also. Also, look into your boots, that connect the coils to the plugs. Those are very known to go bad and dry rot out and can cause a misfire also. Goodluck!
Engine still missing, more often now I cleaned the throtle body and no diiference. Ordered sparkplugs and boots and the camshaft position sensor. I do not think it can be the ICM because engine starts inmediatly and idles ok the missing is when you push the throtle. My mechanic friend told me it could be the cam. pos. sensor malfunctioning. IŽll post back as soon as I solve this.
BTW could someone tell me where exactly is the camshaft position sensor and if it is easy to replace?
Well, I had a 02 LSS that would only misfire under acceleration also, and it turned out to be the coils/ICM so it could still be those. If a cam sensor is going bad 99.9% of the time they will throw a code and more often then not, cause the car to not start. So im not sure where he got that from. According to the computer I have, it only says the Cam sensor is on the front of the engine block, so I would assume, it is in the front, on top, and right by the cams. It should be a pretty easy replacement. Either way, keep me posted, im curious to see what happens. Oh, and it is very possible for the new coils to be defective. I have heard really good things about the coil packs from Autozone. I really never heard anything bad about them. Either way good luck tho!
I know my z24 had some ignition problems before i bought it, the PO swapped out the 2.4 Ignition parts with 2.2 parts. Mounted 2.2 stuff on driver side strut tower if i remember right.. wires run under the cover and he said it fixed all the ignition problems he was having. It has worked fine for me as well, I know under the cover is a bad place to put ignition parts, especially when coils hate heat.
I think you are right it makes sense. Since I allready ordered the coil cover,plugs and camshaft position sensor, for the time being I will stay with oem but surely next time will like to take all ignition parts away from heat of the engine I know there is a thread about this conversion somewhere includind MSD coils . BTW Jordan your car still has the aluminium cover with the 2.4 Twin Cam or he had to get rid of it?
Luis Baptista wrote:I think you are right it makes sense. Since I allready ordered the coil cover,plugs and camshaft position sensor, for the time being I will stay with oem but surely next time will like to take all ignition parts away from heat of the engine I know there is a thread about this conversion somewhere includind MSD coils . BTW Jordan your car still has the aluminium cover with the 2.4 Twin Cam or he had to get rid of it?
The cover is still there just as before, just removed all ignition parts from it and bolted back down, to be fair its not a twin cam cover, its a High Output Quad 4 cover. The only difference you see is the spark plug wires coming out from under the right side of the cover and to the coils mounted on the lower part of the strut tower. I know the link to the guys with msd had them mounted by the fuses but that wouldn't have worked with my car, the k&n filter is there

I had a picture of it somewhere but I cant find my SD card.
Good the cover looks cool and dresses the engine. I have my Z24 for around 10 years now and had to replace the coil cover every two years at most, last one was good only for a weeck..... it is decided I will do the coil conversion sometime soon I found the thread and it is a simple job or so it seems.
Yeah I don't know what they were thinking when they decided to mount the coils like that. It is a much better idea to have them remote mounted, they make the coils so crappy now a days if you don't buy the expensive ones.. I hope your new parts last you for a while.. Otherwise read up on the swap. Good luck
I have not received the parts I ordered, dam our customs... decided to get a new coil housing in the mean time and got a black one tru-tech put it on and problem solved, idle was a kind of funny for a few minutes, it was a kind of too high then it stabilized. Since black housing are known to be short lasting ( so I heard here in the org.) guess best thing to do is doing the coil conversion and finally getting rid of the coil housing forever.
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