Few Codes, Need Help, Can one cause the other? - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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2000 Cav with 2.2
Rough idle, no power, obvious miss, CEL, TRAC OFF lights
New plugs, wires, and coil packs about 6 months ago
Getting spark to all cylinders
Codes are:
P0302 - Cylinder 2 Misfire
P0202 - Injector Circuit Malfunction Cylinder 2
P0340 - Camshaft Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
My question is, is the injector pulse controlled by the PCM after getting the readings from the camshaft position sensor? And could the bad camshaft position sensor cause only cylinder #2 injector to not fire? Basically, do you think i have 2 problems, or just 1?
Thanks for any and all help! Need to fix this quick!
2004 Cavy....BONE STOCK!!......for now
2000 so it is a 2200 OHV motor correct? I was not aware they had a camshaft position sensor.
FU Tuning
Well, i cleared the codes yesterday, drove it to work today, went and pulled codes again after work. 2 of the codes did not return, one did. Also one new code.
P0340 - Cam Position Sensor Circuit Malfunction
H02S1 - Insufficient Switches - Bank 1 - Sensor 1
Any ideas now?
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
My feeling is it's related to the one code for the fuel injector, try swapping the injectors and see if the fault changes.
13.3 @ 106 mph Cammed
Test the resistance of your injector by unplugging it from the harness and probing each pin on it, then compare its numbers to your other injectors. If your #2 injector has completely different numbers for resistance, then it's bad. That test works 9/10 times for finding bad injectors, assuming you have a multimeter.
If your fuel injector is bad, your O2 sensor is going to throw codes because you have a dead cylinder/bad misfire. Your pre-cat O2 sensor is the one that monitors how the car is running. The cam position sensor is only used for sequential fuel injection at low rpm (tells the pcm which valves are open, and which injector to pulse), if it's bad your car simply switches to bank firing them all at once, no big deal (you lose a bit of response and a very slight bit of fuel economy under 2k rpm, probably wont notice it).
22 miles per gallon and dropping fast...
I guess i'm just confused, becuase the injector code did not come back. The car had sat for about a year because my sister didn't want to drive it since it wasn't running right. I don't know how old that code is.
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
Does the cam code come back each time? If so that's a good place to start, cheap sensor and easy to replace. If the cam sensor is bad your car is running in a batch fire mode rather than sequential injection mode, meaning the computer is firing all the injectors at the same time instead of one at a time. Maybe in this mode the computer is unable to tell if injector 2 is bad or not? May be going out on a limb with that one... but if the cam sensor code keeps returning stab there first. Does the car drive like it had a bad missfire or does it drive relatively normal?
22 miles per gallon and dropping fast...
Cam code returns each time. At idle, there is an obvious missfire. Seem to be getting spark to each plug though. Def. think it's fuel related, but not sure if the sensor is causing the injector to fire at the wrong time or what? I'll try replacing the sensor and see if that changes anything. Thanks for the help, i'll let you know how it goes.
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
Well, i didn't want to just start throwing parts at it, so i tested the resistance of the injectors like you guys said. All 4 injectors measured 12.9 ohms, which, without knowing the specs, i assum everything there is ok. I ordered a cam position sensor that will be in tomorrow morning, so i'll grab that and see if that works. In the mean time, is there a way to test the cam sensor to see if that is really at fault? Thanks.
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
Well, long story short, went to put in new cam sensor, found 2 broken wires. Fixed the wires, car still runs like poopy. Check engine light now flashes while driving, shuts off at idle. Pulled codes again, only code throwing is Random/Multiply Cylinder Missfire. I know i am getting spark to plugs. I started car, pulled each plug wire one at a time. Noticeable difference when removing cyl. 1 & 4 wires. No difference when pulling 2 & 3 wires. I am getting spark to all cylinders, so it leads me to believe that i am not getting fuel to one or both of those cylinders, or at least not enough. When tested with multimeter, the injectors test fine, but i guess that doesn't mean they are not clogged. I have tried injector cleaner. I am going to try swapping the injectors around and see if the computer nails down which cylinder is misfiring, and if it follows a certain injector or stays on the same cylinder. Basically trying to nail down wether the computer is bad or not. Any ideas? Thanks.
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
When was the last time you installed new plugs and/or wires. Pull the plugs and see what they look like. Looking at the plug will tell you a lot about what each cylinder is doing. Plus plugs are cheap enough that its worth a shot just to throw some new plugs at it to see what happens.
put new plugs and wires on first thing. made no difference at all.
2000 Cavalier - 2.2L
I really think you have a bad coil set, or you need injectors, I have an injector rail off my old 98 2200sfi there is 3 good injectors and the rail and regulator idk might save you some money injectors are stupid expensive, and I may actually have my old coils as well but would have to look for them, you did replace the sensor right? O and is there any liquid down in the cylinders? Pull the plugs and stick a popsicle stick or qtip down there to check, you can test your injectors too its kind of tricky and can be messy also dangerous if you aren't careful, let me know how it goes after you check these things out, o and one more thing hook the multimeter to the coils typically coils read 10k to 12k ohms, good luck
age is one thing....experience is another, i'm not the greatest in the world, but I can do it, and I can do it right
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