Ok. Here's the deal. I own a '97 Cav, and just last year the horn decided to quit working. I moved out of state, last year, and returned in May. After a night on the trickle charger, it fired right up as though I took it with me. now here's the delima. I need to try to fix my horn myself to keep my repair costs down.
Here's what's up. Whenever I go to press on the horn, all I hear is a click above the passengers floorboard, and i don't hear a noise from under the hood.
If anyone is able to help, i'd greatly GREATLY appreciate it
my horn quit workin awhile back. i hear a click but its just a relay or some shat. go to local junk yard(i did) and pull another one. its located on passanger side behind bumper cover. should be able to get to it from looking underneath car. if horn dont work take it back and get another. they shouldn't charge ya for exchanging it.
thanks for the info... will have to look into it
^^^^Yep. If you just hear a "click", 99% of the time, it just needs a new horn.
Super easy to swap it out.

Legendary Bash Veteran
if it doesn't work at all try your CIG fuse on 97s the horns wired in that fuse
JBO since July 30, 2001
huh... was wondering which fuse it was for the horn... now i know!
and i guess it's a '98... would it still be the cig fuse?
NOTa2_4 wrote:if it doesn't work at all try your CIG fuse on 97s the horns wired in that fuse
this may explain my problem my cig lighter acc thing fell apart and the horn also has stoped working. i will try to check the fuse today. and i need to fix my acc cig thing it seems to unscrewed its self out and fell foward.
~1996 Cavalier LS 2.4L (auto)
Also check where the horn is bolted to the frame and make sure it is not all rusted up under the mount. No ground no horn....