I've noticed that lately, everytime i go to slow down and start to decrease in speed, my headlights and my lights on my dash will dim for a second and then go back to normal. Is this a normal thing for our cars??
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
your alternator might be getting week.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
thats pretty normal for a lot of cars. listen closely to see if it is in conjunction with anything else....like fan motor, etc.
stock gt wrote:your alternator might be getting week.
I agree. Also, do you have a lot of audio stuff in your car (subs, amps). See if the lights dim with the bass.
My car does this if the car has warmed up and settles into a low idle (around 600 RPM), and it is downright annoying if any combination of heavy loads are active. (i.e. Rear defroster, Blower fan, headlights, car stereo). I think this is normal to a point, but I'm sure a new or upgraded alternator could help. Unfortunately it's difficult to find alternators that do much better at that low engine speed. Charging is always easier at a slightly higher rev.

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My car did the same thing when I hit my rakes below 10 mph with the stereo on. When I disconnected my abs, it stoped? I odnt know, it baffled me too!
I had that problem with my car a few years ago... It eventually got to the point where using the power windows would just make the car shut off, lol...
Anyway- I purchased a HO alternator from eBay- I think it was a 180 amp...
At idle, the lights were still dim- the alternator didn't generate enough juice @ such a low RPM.
I used HPTuners to raise the idle to 900 & its much better...
matthew christian wrote:My car did the same thing when I hit my rakes below 10 mph with the stereo on. When I disconnected my abs, it stoped? I odnt know, it baffled me too!
All I can think there is that the ABS system pulls a good bit of current when it activates -- I got a good bit of dimming in winter during low-speed stops where ice caused a partial lock-up. I wouldn't think ABS would make a difference in dimming if the traction is good.

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