Hello to all: Well currently i have been having some problems with my ride. In which is very rough idleing, lack of power, and hesitation. At first i took the car to autozone and had the car scanned. Many of the sensors, that i have replaced in the past has came back up again. such as the map, tps, iac, both o2 sensors. here's the deal, i had the dealership scanned the car, and they mentioned that, i have no fuel injector pulse, open or short in the wiring leading to the fuel injectors. Corroded EGR valve wiring, a missing gromet at the map sensor, which is causing car to run lean condition. to replace all wiring, its going to cost around 800.00. Please, help me guys. I would like to know, if just replacing egr valve would make the car run better, or what should l do?? What should my next steps be...?
well if your egr valve is stuck open it would cause all of those conditions like rough idle, loss of power
They said just replacing the egr wouldnt solve my problems. Becasue my wiring inside the engine is worn. Whats about some seafoam? Will this help and does maybe autozone carry some?
if this was truely the case....your car wouldnt run at all...no injector pulse = no fuel = no run.
you should be able to go to a junk yard, and cut out the egr wiring, and replace the bad section in your car.
I would get a new grommet for the map....easy replacement.
The grommet for the map sensor, isnt made anymore. what else can replace the grommet?
fill out your profile so we know what type of engine and year your car is
As said in the previous post by you, id say replace the wiring that is corroded. Its that simple, throwing stuff into your motor isn't going to magically fix the dead wiring.