timing problem maybe?? - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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timing problem maybe??
Monday, May 12, 2008 6:44 PM
ok when i bought my car back in august i had a slight knock in the engine nothing serious but one night i went out and started the car and thought i had the motor blown it was knocking so bad and she had absolutly no power. anyways i brought my car to my mechanic and he told me my timing chain guides were gone... hey after 350000kms bout time something went on the 2.2 anyways i had a complete new timing chain kit put on the car and no more knock the problem now is when i press the throttle... even when i drop her back a gear to pass a car on the highway she sounds like she bogs down its like she heisitates before she takes off if i give it to much gas like its slugish. now i never had this problem before. the car had plenty of take off and when i put the throttle to the floor no heistation wat so ever so i asked my mechanic if she was timed rite and he said that they had timed it rite but when then took off the old chain it had been off 2 teeth on the gear.. reason y i had no power before i brought it to the garage.. my question is is it possible that where the guides were starting to go that the timing was off enough to give the car better acceleration and now the cars timing is right? or do u think the timing is off now?? or a completely different problem?

Re: timing problem maybe??
Monday, May 12, 2008 7:18 PM
you probably trashed a few valves when your timing chain slipped. Take it back to your mechanic and get a compression test.
Re: timing problem maybe??
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 7:48 AM
if it only slipped two teeth the valves might be ok....might want to try a relearn since the car used to be making up for the timing being off. a compression test could also help like hyperblu said. i'm thinking by guides he means tensioner, and if that's the case, you need to make sure they got all the broken tensioner pieces out of the oil pan. otherwise you'll eventually get bad oil pressure and some of those little tiny pieces will work their way around and mess up your bearings. also, if your timing goes sometimes you can blow a head gasket...check to make sure there is no coolant in the oil or oil in the coolant. also check and see if your exhaust has any thick white smoke coming out after it runs for a while. these can all be signs of a blown head gasket. you can also check your plugs to see if they have any deposits or look anything out of normal. good luck.

Understand That Only Dying Is This Colossal - Protest the Hero
Re: timing problem maybe??
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 12:04 PM
do a compression test, and if its not too difficult have them check the timing again.


Re: timing problem maybe??
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:02 PM
thanks guys my car is going in for an oil change and a new rear strut mount tomorrow so i'll see if they got time to do a compression test or see when they can do that and check the timing. and lllt4ken i'd had an oil change sence the timing kit was put in and the oil was fine no coolant in it and no metal shavings and theres no white smoke and no leaks around the head so im pretty sure the head gasket is ok but i do need to check the plugs i wouldn't say they were changed in years, pretty sure the air fliter that was in the car was the origanal one from the factory. and if i can ask what do u mean by a relearn? im assuming u mean somehow compensate for the change in timing if there was one??
Re: timing problem maybe??
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:18 PM
for the ecu...for some things you can just disconnect the battery for a while and other things you need to have someone do it with an obd scanner that has a relearn feature, more than likely your repair shop can do it.

Understand That Only Dying Is This Colossal - Protest the Hero
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