I have a '97 z24, the motor blew and I had it replaced with a year 2000 2.4L twin cam. The car is running but it chugs and cuts off when its not getting gas and it chugs when I'm driving. There are three codes that continuously come up: Crankshaft position sensor, Camshaft position sensor, and knock sensor. I do know that my engine is not reading any of my sensors. And one mechanic told me that I needed a new computer to go with the 2000 motor. Is there more to this problem? What needs to be switched for my car to start reading the sensors again and drive correctly?
Technically, you're suppose to keep the same engine and PCM for the year of your car. I'm not 100% positive that swapping an 00-02 motor with a 95-99 engine harness is ok. Im also not sure if modifications are needed to be done to swap to an 00-02 PCM for it to run right. All I know is that you are not setting this up correctly at all. My best guess would be to buy an 00-02 PCM on ebay for $50-$60 and hook it up to your harness. It may also be a possibility that you may just need a crank relearn. If you switch motors and not relearn the crank position with the old PCM, you will have driveability issues as the crank angle on the new engine is different than the last saved position on your last engine. If you know anyone with a TECH 2 scanner, they can perform this in 30 seconds. Otherwise, it'll cost about $150 from a dealership to have the crank relearn performed.
Although, to be on the safe side, this will fix the problem, but may not be required. Buy an 00-02 engine harness and an 00-02 PCM with the same engine,year,transmission, and similar options.
Damn, are we not able to edit our posts? Anyways, an engine harness is quite hard to find. There is one on eBay right now for $175 buy it now WITH an PCM.
He don't have to switch any wiring harness or computer! Not sure when the 2.4 changed if it was 2000 or 2001 but one of the years they went with no egr valve, and the knock sensor was different. Everything else is the same. Cept maybe the intake. All you have to do is take and drill the hole out where the knock sensor is to a bigger size tap it and put your old knock sensor from the 96 in. I'm not sure about the egr though if there is even a place for it on the newer ones. But just do a search for when they changed it. But i know you don't have to switch the computer or harness.
You can swap a 00 2.4 into a 97 with no problems. Dopne this a few times. First are you sure your cam sensor and crank sensor are pluged in? Re-check them. Your knock sensor problably is not plugged in because starting in 99 the 2.4 uses a diferent knock sensor. Has different connector and threads are smaller. You can drill this hole out and tap it for your orginal knock sensor and plug it in. With the crank sensor and cam sensor not reading this is causing your issues. If they are plugged in swap in the ones from your old motor.
FU Tuning
I don't know if the the knock sensor is plugged in, but before I knew about the PCM problems I had the crankshaft position sensor replaced--that's the first code that came up. After I had it replaced the same code read again in addition to the knock sensor and camshaft position sensor. Are you sure I don't need an updated computer that is the same year as the motor? What are the major differences besides needing a bigger knock sensor?
A C wrote:I don't know if the the knock sensor is plugged in, but before I knew about the PCM problems I had the crankshaft position sensor replaced--that's the first code that came up. After I had it replaced the same code read again in addition to the knock sensor and camshaft position sensor. Are you sure I don't need an updated computer that is the same year as the motor? What are the major differences besides needing a bigger knock sensor?
Also the fuel and the engine oil are starting to mix and the car is burning oil. One guy said a bad PCM can cause the motor to blow. Is it simple to reprogram the PCM myself or better to have a mechanic do the reprogramming?