I had my car tinted a few weeks ago and took it back to see where the water stains were in the window. They are not between the window and tint, they seem to be on the outside of the window. I have washed the windows over and over and over. Today i went and bought Stoners Invisible Glass cleaner, thinking that would work.....nope. What happend to my windows and what can i do? It is my rear passenger windows and passenger window on a sedan. thanks
how can you tell that it's not the inside of the glass that is dirty without removing the window tint? have you washed the inside window???
already have done so.....really getting to me now, went to get the tint fixed today and they said it was on my window not between tint, and i have tried some kind of oil on it and that didn't work. no idea what to do now. looks like crap
take it there and tell them to get it off the outside of the window....which they wont be able to and prove your point.
thinking about it now, i really don't know what happend, i will take some pictures to see if they show the problem and post them if i can figure it out. Then see what you think...
I would bet u have water spots which is not uncommon.The best way to remove this is to buy mequiars #4 heavy cut cleaner which is liquid sold at napa for sure.If u can not find it use the super cheap rubbing compound sold by turtle wax sold walmart,auto zone and apply by hand if u have a buffer use it and work vigorously into glass,then clean with a cotton cloth and use a chammy to remove swirls if the cotton does not.Rain or water can cause the spots even if u wash/clean the glass normally! I have delt with this issue for over 20 yrs some cars have it happen some don't? I know my mother n law had the issue with her malibu and with in 20 min probl resolved.I am not saying u may have had trash in btwn the tint but norm when u apply tint using soapy water or a solution any trash is usually pushed to the edges in most cases and wiped dry.I would try my recom heck the cheap compound is like 2-3 bux but meguiars is far better and more pricey like 10.00 or more but u can always use it for paint issues later anyway.
definate thanks, i will try the name brand one before the cheap stuff. Other than NAPA, could i get it at autozone or advanced auto parts? Just buff it like you would with paint, and rub it off? I will try this next weekend for sure when i have the time, too busy with work right now.
Unfortunately advance and autozone do not sell the meguairs professional grade heavy cut cleaner #4 but, I know napa and carquest do.Advance and the zone sell only the polish (burgendybottle) and cleaners and the #7 prof grade and #26 canauba wax.Go to napa or carquest if u have one they should have it on the shelf as they do here normally.Yes apply with a applicator and work in well and clean the glass with a clean towel and using a cham helps with the swirls too.Using a buffer just works faster but,by hand is just as effective.I recom using a good wax like meg #26 after that it makes the glass sheet water away and norm prevents hard water spots which is not uncommon.Any wax brand should work if u do not want to spend 11.00 bucks for the meg above.Should resolve the spotting.