1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Friday, February 29, 2008 9:29 PM
hey i am new to the jbody car and i just bought a 1995 sunfire with 132000 miles on it to save gas because my 84 4bbl 5.0 mustang was killing me on gas. yeah i know go figure. anyway it knocks on the serpentine side of the engine. i can hear it from the top and bottom. i removed the valve cover and the top looks a little worn but very good for 130000 miles. i also changed the water-pump and alt. so its not that. could it be the timing chain tensioner. it is plastic basically. well at lease the slides. any ideas. also. my fan wont work for the heat or ac. the lady i bought it from said it works if you hit a speed bump. hum. ok too many topics for one post sorry. thanks guys. also why doesn't the car start with out the serpentine belt. is it because it doesn't have a harmonic balancer?

Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Monday, March 03, 2008 8:38 AM
well, when i got my 97 sunfire it had a knock tap whatever on that side....130,000+ on it, and eventually the timing went real bad...first it skipped a few teeth, then it just stopped running...yes, it was the chain tensioner, the chain eventually ate it since it was all sloppy in there, breaking off bits and peices before finally giving out...so DEFinatley check that...it's better than replacing all your valves like i did. if it's not that then i'm not sure what it might be.

for your fan, it sounds like a loose connection... you'll have to go through and check all of them, make sure they are all pushed in right, no burning of wires from a bad connection...and there's a resistor on the blower(pass side, under dash). these are known to fail, so maybe check that. also read up on the sticky's in the maintenance forum...it explains how to swap the resistor of you have to. using a voltmeter would help alot with the troubleshooting.

and, try to post this kind of stuff in the maintenance section ...not only to keep the site clean and orderly, it would help you out as well, since you'll have more 'maintenance' type people looking at your post, usually ending up in more replies and being able to help you more. good luck!

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Tuesday, March 04, 2008 2:39 PM
Illt4k3n wrote:and, try to post this kind of stuff in the maintenance section ...not only to keep the site clean and orderly, it would help you out as well, since you'll have more 'maintenance' type people looking at your post, usually ending up in more replies and being able to help you more. good luck!

i'm sorry man, i'm an idiot....for some reason i thought this was in the general forum...again, i'm a lameass

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Wednesday, March 05, 2008 3:51 PM
hey no worries. but anyway i got the cover off and how do i tell it is bad. is it just a loss of tention. so the chain is lashing on the up swing. thanks.
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Thursday, March 06, 2008 11:44 AM
the chain should be nice and firm, no looseness..if the tensioner is easy to push against and/or has any obvious wear, i'd replace it. you should be able to find the timing gears and chain for 35, and the tensioner for 15 maybe...(not sure, it's been a while)...the chain will get all loose after a while...mine was so worn out that the tensioner didn't really have any effect anymore, which must have been why it chewed the tensioner up. BUT, in my opinion, if you've already got the cover off and whatnot, i'd just replace it all if you have the funds, since you've already put in about 70 percent of the labor. good luck.

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Saturday, March 08, 2008 9:59 PM
yeah i could take the tention off by hand and the slide was broken and fell off when i took it out. it was 47 for the 4 peice set at advance. thanks for the help. p.s. that cover was hell with out taking the oil pan off. lol
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Sunday, March 09, 2008 12:42 PM
haha, yeah, that cover is horrible...at least you got to the timing before it jumped and bent your valves it's not knocking anymore is it?

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 11:40 AM
nope runs smooth and no knock and my int blower plug was corroded so thats fixed. but still cant fix the horn.do the acual horns break or go bad...
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 9:17 PM
How did you get the cover off without taking the oil pan off, cause my tensioner is bad too and i need to get it fixed soon, but i havent had the time due to work and school, but not having to take the oil pan off would save me alot of time and i could get it done sooner before something bad happens. any help would be appreciated thanks

Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Friday, March 14, 2008 12:15 PM
there is two nuts on the oil pan that also hold on the timing cover, remove them....then you'll just have the studs that screw into the timing cover, those are removable too, at least they were on mine....just make sure you get the right type of socket on there. otherwise, if you leave the studs in, its a PITA, big time.

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Friday, March 14, 2008 6:06 PM
alright thanks man ill post back up when i get it done to let ya know how it went.

Re: 1995 sunfire 2200 with pass side knock
Friday, March 21, 2008 9:11 AM
well my studs were frozen so it made it a little more dificult but i got it off. good luck and makesure you turn the engine over multible times and the timing marks align everyother turn. and replace the whole set. gears and chain and tentioner. advance autoparts has one by sa gear for $57 good luck
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