We just noticed this the other day in 2nd and 3rd gear under a load she was bucking like she was gunna stall. Last night she started sound really bad... turns out she is only running on 3 cylinders now... we checked the spark plugs and boots, they are fine. She is not smoking, no fluids are leaking... any ideas? She goes to the garage tomorrow but i wanted to have any idea what it is and gunna cost. Thanks!
Oh yeah... no engine light if that helps
Its a 1998 Z24 Cavalier 2.4
one of the coils may be screwed... that was happening on a customers sunfire... 2.4 also...
Thanks eyeopnr for your input...... WOW ONLY ONE PERSON responded i am very disappointed! But for anyone who cares.... garage replaced the coil housing, new spark plugs, and boots.
But what he's saying is the coils themselves could be bad,not the housing.Did the garage do a compression test?

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"