lately my car has been acting really weird and when i drive sometimes the no trac light comes on and it shifts really hard i have an automatic transmission. when i stop at red lights sometimes it goes off . can someone please tell me what the problem is or what it can be. also when i put it into drive from park the whole car jerks.
There is an air temp sensor located on my car between the air filter and the throttle is connected by wiring that is about the size of dental floss. Mine wore out and shorted this sensor out and my car did the same thing. Mine actually tripped my check engine light which produced an OBD 2 code...but I can't remember which one.
ive been reading about this and someone said it could be a Throttle position sensor could this be it or can you tell me the name of the sensor.
yea its deff a sensor a rember i was digging under the hood and bumped. not sure which one it is though try to go wiggle wires on the sensors
i took off my ram intake and i looked at the ati sensor or the one that connects to the pipe and i dont think that is the problem im going to look into the Throttle position sensor but i wish i knew that that is exactly what it is before i spend 40$ on it. the good thing is thats its not a consistant thing but now it feels like it just wont stop.
sounds like your TCC is malfunctioning. Its a common problem. try this: unplug your TCC connector from the transmission one day before you drive anywhere, and leave it unplugged for a few days. If the problem is non-existent with the thing unplugged, then your problem is indeed the TCC. The tricky part is that the problem will 99% of the time not be a matter of an electrical problem, but the fact that the pressure builds up under the TCC solenoid and for some reason is not released. this is why you must unplug the connector after the car is already cooled off in order to test this possibility, becuase if the pressure has not had time to bleed out, then it will display the same symptoms until it does. If you find that this is the problem, then a valve body kit can fix it, and you can use a file to make an additional relief while you have the valve body off.