I have a 96 LD9 5 spd. i just put a new motor in but i think i have the starter wired in wrong cause it wont turn over, does anyone have a diagram of it to double check everything. thanks guys
"sometimes the respect is more important..."
BUMP. . . . Really need some help with this guys thanks
"sometimes the respect is more important..."
Cmon there has got to be someone with a 2.4 that knows more about this than me, i have searched the net and this site and found nothing can no one help me out? I need my car and can not start it till i get my starter wired up. thanks guys
"sometimes the respect is more important..."
whats happening it just won't crank over?
see that is really weird cause i guess my car has the recall done to it and there is a gray relay coming from up by the battery and it has 4 wires coming from it. 2 red one small one big, that purple wire but it goes down back into the wire loom and a small black wire. So Melvin did you just ground the alternator to the block? and also do you just have one wire going to the big post on your starter, which would be the big power coing from the battery. where would you put those other wires i will get a pic of it and put it up here that would probably be the easiest way for someone to help
"sometimes the respect is more important..."
ok the first pic is of the relay that is up by my battery that is evidently a recall and was done just before i bought the car when the dealership put a new engine in it
this on e shows the 4 wires that come from the relay
then this one is the one that shows that the purple wire goes back into the loom and disappears and wont come when i pull on it.
so does anyone know how to wire it up now a little easier? thanks!!!
"sometimes the respect is more important..."