Can this cause damage? - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Can this cause damage?
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 10:21 AM
Well my fire is making the infamous ringing sound of a water pump/timing chain on its last legs. I wanted to know if i can drive it and not cause any damage? Its pretty loud but comes and goes. I dont have the money to fix it right now and its my only form of tranportation.

Re: Can this cause damage?
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 11:18 AM
If the waterpump quits you'll either lose coolant or it wont circulate. Either way your engine is going to over heat and cause damage.

If the timing chain goes you could either be fine and just have to get a new chain. Or if its an "interfenace" engine then your pistons are going to smash your valves and that gonna be all she wrote.

There are the answer to your questions but how sure are you that its the pump or chain. Any pulley on the motor will make that sound when the bearing it going bad. My advice to spray WD-40 on them. If is stops when u hit a certain pulley then thats the problem.

Re: Can this cause damage?
Wednesday, January 02, 2008 4:53 PM
check for leaks. if the water pump goes out and you continously keep driving the car overheating, it will warp the head or blow a head gasket.

the chain is not hard to replace. I can't remember all the steps
jack the right wheel up.
drain oil
remove fender cover
remove engine mount
remove crank pulley
remove all 10mm bolts around the chain
remove chain guides
remove chain
I can't remember all the steps but I went down that road before when I replace the water pump off my good ol Z24 2.4
make sure you have somebody there who knows what the heck they're doing. that's a PLUS!!!
you could take a loan and have somebody else fix it but is going to cost you a lot more but at least it will get fixed correctly
you don't wanna go back and do it again. no no no....

Re: Can this cause damage?
Thursday, January 03, 2008 10:56 AM
You forgot to turn the engine to Top Dead Center (marked on the crank pulley I hope) before removing the chain.

We all drive in a yellow Cavalier...
Re: Can this cause damage?
Thursday, January 03, 2008 1:24 PM
there are two bolt holes in the cams that will line up with the holes in the block so they will not move once the chain is off.if you need help hit me up i have done this 2 times and it is a pain in the ass. the first time u do it you will need a weekend and atleast 2 cases of beer lol

Re: Can this cause damage?
Friday, January 04, 2008 3:57 PM
would a 98 timing chain from a 2200OHV fit a year 2000 2200OHV i may be in the same situation?
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