My Slave Cylinder Went up, so i got a new one.. I put Everything back they way it should. Now i go to start it and the CEL comes on and you can hear the starter but it only does a few Clicks. Then i would turn the Key to Off and the Dash lights would still stay on??? Then i would switch the NEG - ground wire on the tranny bolt with the others. I jump start the car. all the lights come on, Door Chimes Headlights come on. i go to start the car and it just clicks. I went over everything and everything is plugged! Turn the key on an the CELL comes on then a couple clicks? Any Help?
I have a 1/4 tank of gas.
Battery is Good
I think something is not grounded like it should and it's not letting the car start. But i Don't have no Clue what it could be. i was out till 12 Last night in 30 Degree Weather. so i gave up.
did you bleed it? if you don't bleed the slave the clutch won't actually disengage causing the motor to try starting the motor/trans/tires and everything...a free motor is much easier to turn over
bleeding is easy.....there's a bleeder nut on the slave. You'll need 2 people. Loosen and hold pedal....tighten bleeder.....release pedal....repeat until you don't have air bubbles...KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE FLUID RESERVOIR SO YOU DON'T RUN OUT OF FLUID. couple pumps will put a dent in the reservoir
i Bled the Clutch before i even attempted to start the motor.....