I pulled out my ecotec motor after it ran at 14 psi for about a month. I left the tranny in there. If i want to put the motor back in, i jack up the tranny with a car jack or something at a angle and just let the motor slide down sideways into the shaft. I've searched and searched on motor pulls but i can't find the correct word to bring up some good post. Any one that has done this or knows about this can you tell me some good information on this.
owner of 2002 ls sport cavalier and 2006 3.8 mivec eclipse
how did you get it out? put it back the opposite way you got it out
whiteboyz z24- have you ever pulled out your engine? if you look up and read it says the tranny is in the car so that means yes i took the motor out at an angle. But i want some imput on who else has done it this way and how hard it is. Not someone telling me put it back in the same way.
owner of 2002 ls sport cavalier and 2007 cobalt ss
YES....i have removed and replaced my motor. i have the ld9 but im sure it cant be that much different.
it was pretty easy to get it back in. yes, use a jack under the tranny to help line things up. A giant prybar will be helpful also.
wasnt tryin to be a dick....its just the way you worded your post sounded like you werent the one who took the motor out.
did you put the drive belt on after the engine was in or is there enough room to put all that stuff on and then put the motor in. I took it all off to have more room. Will i have enough room if put all the belt driven stuff on first?
owner of 2002 ls sport cavalier and 2007 cobalt ss
you have enough room to put all of it on afterwards.....i would leave off the most you can. did you remove the exhaust manifold? if not that would help too.
ya i just pulled my motor out and fixed my crank and put it in at in angle but just dont be in a rush of you might mess it up and jack up te trany . thats what i did