background.... 2000 cavalier z24 5 speed, after market muffler 140xxx km's
so i did the seafoam today and NO smoke what soever, was i ever disappointed. now my check engine light is on.
I warmed up the car to operating temp, pulled brake booster vac line, started car up. it shot up to around 3500-4000 rpm. i started pouring the seafoam in, not real slow, but not real fast...just a good steady pour and did about 3/4 the bottle. shut the car off, also noticed when i was shutting the car off the check engine light was flashing, how long this was going on i dont know. anyways poured the rest in the gas tank, put vac line back on and left it sit for close to 20 minutes. Go back out start it up,check engine light stays on, sounded kind of gurgly for the first minute or two while letting it idle, then did maybe 10-20 revs up to around 3000 rpm and then went for a drive....through all this i got NO smoke whatsoever!
so i drive it around for a good 15-20 minutes i notice a bit better throttle response, a smoother idle and maybe a tad more get up n go.
so my big question is, what did i do wrong? and why would my check engine light be on?
a friend of mine has done a couple of his vehicle's and he just put the vac line in the bottle and let it suck it right out of the can. Did i maybe pour to slowly having it all go through the engine to quick and not leave enough sitting in the engine to eat away at all the carbon build up???
2000 Cavalier z24-5 spd, 2.4L - thinking of selling.....
Try turning the car on again and see if you get it. I got the same thing when cleaning my fuel system out, once I shut off the engine and started it up again the CEL went away.
even if the cel goes away its still stored in the ECU. check the codes
yea it did go off, and i dont know i was just confused as if i did it wrong or something because there was no smoke at all, i expected a little bit at least.
thanks people
2000 Cavalier z24-5 spd, 2.4L - thinking of selling.....
You should have seen the smoke, much of it comes from the fluid itself burning. Did you turn off the engine after pouring it in, let it sit for 10 mins and then take it out for an Italian tuneup?
The CEL could be any number of things. My guess is a high idle code from when you had the booster hose off.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd