so yesterday i took a turn to sharp and curb checked the car (its fine, no worries) however immediatly after that i started to loose power (electrical)... my radiator dector red about 8.6 volts on the car... it almost died... ive been able to drive it for the past couple days but my radio will only stay on for a sec and most of the warning lights on my dash are on... well i just tried disconnecting the abttery and reconnecting it to see if it would do nething... when i tried started it... it would budge... tried again... it will stay on for a sec but then shut off... previously i broke off the ground wire nut from the battery tray... (tried to remove it but it was rusted) so i drilled a whole in the battery tray and bolted the ground wire to it... it worked... well not the tray and bolt is all rusted and the bolt is a little loose... my question is does the battery ground wire have to be tightly secured to the tray or can it just be barely touching it? i really dont feel like buying bolt cutters and applying a new bolt to put it in... (i had a long day at work ok? lol) just let me know
o yeah its a 96 chevy cavalier 2.2 non eco 5 speed manual
Yes --The connecting surfaces need to be Clean and the fastener Tight