So I install a ShiftPlus and the next day my car wont start at all so I get it towed. It turns out that the fuel pump broke and the wires leading to it were burnt. They replace everything and still it wont start. Keep in mind all the lights work and yaddada. So they figure out that the theft system is stopping the injectors so I tried the little relearn the passcode thing that is on the .org and it doesn't work. It gets to the dealership to reflash the ECU and it turns out that the ECU is friend. WTF. All this from installing a shiftplus. I fallowed the directs perfectly that was posted for my 01 sunfire gt to the T and it worked just fine for the day that I had it on there.
Anyone know whats up?
Would the positive battery connector hitting the aluminum body of my air intake cause that cause that is the only thing I can think of.