I tried searching the forum first, but it seems that the search function is out of commision right now. Anyhow, I am driving down the road, and I see my speedometer needle jump around a little. I tested this, and it doesnt matter if I am in gear, out of gear, in reverse, or anything...It will jump forward, and backwards...almost like it is losing the signal from the stator (or whatever the cable reads off of). If anyone could give me some insight, it would be great.
Also, do the power window switches commonly go bad on the 98 Z24's?
Thanks all!
-_98 Cavy Z24_-
check your vss in your tranny. it may be bad or covered with metal shavings. if its covered with metal shavings, start saving for your new tranny
Should I consult my Haynes manual for the location, and proper removal and replacement of my VSS? Or is there an easy way that you know of?
If there are indeed shavings on this sensor, where did they come from, and what could be the possible cause of this?
-_98 Cavy Z24_-
i had a similiar problem a few months ago, basically the car would not go past 45-55 and then the speedometer needle would bounce around alot, took it to transmission expert and he said it might be the speed sensor, he changes it for a second hand one and problem solved, although there were metal shaving on the old one which caused the problem, he told me that the transmission was eating itself from the inside, and that it would go at some poiont, 1 month later, transmission died. so it might be the speed sensor but hopefully no shavings
mine started this today, everything feels fine, i know were it is at too, i have noticed my abs light has stayed on for over a week now, i wonder could it be linked? if i find out i will post it up.
Brady Fire Co. - Station 150
Long Live The Sunflower! (yea its not so "cool")
i removed my vss today and it was totaly a mess with metal shavings. we cleaned it up and re-installed it and it now works, i am worried about the metal thou. the abs light is on due to a no sigal from a wheen sensor. usual....
Brady Fire Co. - Station 150
Long Live The Sunflower! (yea its not so "cool")