Hey all,
I was cruising on my way home tonight and my radio went dead, along with my speedo and tach guage falling to 0, no dome light, no dash lights,no A/C and no headlights. Now. I know what you are thinking.. Check the fuses.. right. I did that. and they are ALL good.. which makes me upset because thats about all I know to do on these little cars. So.. here is the question. What could cause all the electrical for the dash, headlights, a/c, radio, interior lights to just not work..... is there a connection under the dash where a power wire sits to supply all the power to these things? I mean seriously...
With a voltmeter you could check the voltage at the instrument panel fuse to see if there is current arriving there.In somecars there is a reset button, not sure on J´s. Hope someone with more knowledge posts.
Yea. I actually found the culprit.. The MaxFuse for the "BATT 1" designation under the hood. I pulled it out. checked it. Put it back in (did it three times actually) But the third time all might lights came back. Everything came back except the Daytime running lights. I figure the relay crapped out on me with the electrical problem. So Now If anyone can tell me where that relay is at. That would be great.
Note for everyone. that Batt 1 fuse controls basically all the electricity in the cabin of you car.. minus engine controls and emergency lights (blinker / Brake)
NM on the relay. I found the problem and I feel stupid for it lol... Needed to put it in gear lol.