what should i use to clean my head and block inside and out? There is alot of tough grime all over the block and head. I just want to make sure that when i put the motor together there is nothing stopping the motor from performing like new.
Cardomain page
I use oven cleaner look at it like this what is oven cleaner for removing baked on grease and what is on our car's engines....baked on grease works great every time i use it but don't get it on paint though it removes EVERYTHING!
My car--->
I used to think to this too, but i saw that it is written on the bottle, not use it on aluminum so i am not sure this idea is so good after all.
Get them hot-tanked at a machine shop.
im trying to do it the cheapest way possible.
Cardomain page
I used spray nine and elbow grease on the outside of my engine, but I don't know about using that on the inside...
when i was younger i remember seeing my dad putting a head in diesel fuel and letting it soak for a day or two. Dont remember if the results were that great but maybe worth a try.
doing it as cheap as possible means either you just don't do it or you end up doing it again in a short amount of time, and it always costs more to do something the second time right than if you just did the right thing the first time.
yeah but its just cleaning the motor so what could go wrong?
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