Alright, I'm driving my 96 Z24, hit a bump. Most the time what happens is ABS, Parking Brake, and Coolant Level warning light come on, but also the cd player cuts out, and the air seems like i turn it down to the lowest setting even though its on highest speed. Also the gear indicator on the cluster dims out, and the gauges drop like the car was shut off. Also in worse case i hear all kinds of relays clicking on and off. I don't understand what is doing this. Yesterday i swapped out head units, took off my strut bars, and swapped wheels. Other then that nothing has changed. I took out the head unit and wiring adapter and drove and it still did it, then took out the screws for hvac and moved it around making sure wire just wasn't pinched somewhere, didn't fix it. When i took off the Top Terminal Adapter for my sub i thought maybe the post was shorting out on hood so i put the little plastic cap back over it and didn't fix it.
I'm out of ideas honestly. it just seemed like a loose connection or short but i can think of where at, so im posting see if anyone else has similar experience and what they found out. sucks too because the car was to be sold this weekend..
i posted this in Audio and Electronics too last night and realized that was the wrong area, mod feel free to delete the one in A&E.
Might want to check you battery charging system or the positive / Negative connections on you battery posts. Or battery maybe shot.
Agree also check the ground (-) wire and its connection to the body of the car.
thanks for the replies guys, thought the alternator ground might be bad. didnt think about the battery body ground tho. thanks. keep suggestions coming tho.
Try, with the Battery DISCONNECTED check tightening the nut that connects the larger size cables to the Starter Solenoid, where the cables are "junctioned together".
Well i tried what said and couldnt fix it. I decided to just drop it at SEARS and see what they came up with. The mechanic and counter guy both said its in the brake system, either ABS or Hydraulic.. they couldnt pin-point exactly where and it was as far as they could go(meaning they cant fix it) so i dont know where to start other then going through wiring..
There is a ground point in the harness (i think somewhere by the radiator on pass. side) that I've heard tends to come loose/go bad. Don't quote me on its location though, I'm going from memory from another post I read on here a while back that described similar problems.
check the wiring harness that actually plugs into the altenator and make sure its a good connection..
Drive Fast Take Chances
well figured i'd let those curious know what the problem was.
Well i bought a Cobra Head Coupler for my intake. well i cut the intake to fit a bit, ended up selling the coupler and using the original coupler, well with the intake shorter it had things pulled in. well the way i had my filter positioned, during engine movement the filter was hitting the connector to the abs computer. moved the filter and problem was solved..