My 2001 2200 cavy has a little rattle upon star up. I crawled underneath and found that my exaust heat shield is loose. Tips for fixing it please. I was thinking of finding the loose spot and just using a pop rivet to put it in place. Good idea?
Stock or not.....It's Still a J !!!
They are really easy to pull out because it's just some screws. I would just install some washers to tighten it up or just remove it. Mine has been out for at least 7 years and no difference on my end. I even have a fiberglass ram air hood which I would imagine is more suseptible to damage from heat and going on 5 years later and that doesn't really get hot.
mine was taken off to. i dont realy know hoe its attached but a rivet would probaly hold. or drill out the screw holes and put some bolts in.