I was checking my plug wires today (I was bored) and pulled the #1 wire off the coil terminal (it was damn near seized in place) and once I got it off I noticed the terminal was sort of a brown color, no shine to it at all. I think it was rust. I took a wire brush to it and got it shiny again, stuck the wire back on and it went on rather loosely so I pulled it back off and crimped the connecter down a bit and replaced the wire. This time it went on nice and snug. Anybody have any idea why that terminal would rust? I pulled the plug and it looked fine. I replaced all my plugs about 20,000 miles ago with the stock AC platinum plugs.
The metal terminal was not protected from moisture and rusted, try a little bit of dielectric grease on the terminals and spark plug connectors. It will protect them from rusting, make the boots pop of easier and help the prevent voltage loss to the plugs.