Hey all,
I will be hitting up a scrap yard soon, to change the (I think they are called) mouldings on the bottom of my driver's side main 2 windows, as they are rotting from the inside. I had a huge buildup of this powdery substance underneath the rubber, and they need to be changed.
Anyone know how hard it is to get these black mouldings off? I figured to check on here before I go to the scrap yard. How are they attached to the door?
The same thing is happened to mine, your better off getting them from the dealer.
How much did it cost you at the dealership? I havent gone there yet because I imagine it will cost a fortune.
Haha ya the same thing happened to mine. I was at the race track near my house and someone had a cavalier so i asked if i could have his molding. Theres one screw inside the door jam then just pull up, they're held on by metal clips. Usually they would sell them at the scrap yard cause most people want to buy a whole door, at least thats what they said.
I went to the dealer cost me $70.00 for each door.
70.00... wow - def pay less at a scrap yard. But at least you got them brand new.