Well here is my interesting problem. I shaved my door handles a while back and have not had any problems out of them until today. I took my door apart to see what was hitting my door as soon as I would shut it. Sure enough, the solenoid had came unbolted from the frame piece that was bolted to the door. So here is the fun part. I took off the frame piece, undid the striker bolt catcher thing that latches when you close the door, rescrewed the solenoid back to the frame and put it all back on the car. Now, hehehehe...I closed the door and now the door will not open at all. I can push the popper and the solenoid works as I can feel it with my hand, but it is like the door is locked. Anyone got any idea's on where to start?
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
not to state the obvious, but make sure the door isn't actually locked. if you've removed the locking arms (makes sense too) then it can be hard to notice that the door is actually locked. i had this problem on my mazda truck with shaved handles, door latch would move but it wouldn't open at all, ended up flipping a little latch and it opened.
check the lock and if that doesnt work make sure that the solenoid isnt bottoming out before it can open the door i had that happend the first time i installed mine i just lowered it a little and problem solved. PM me if you dont know what i mean.
Yea, I am in the process of checking to see if I might have locked it by accident while putting it back together. Kinda hard to do when the door is closed.
I know the solenoid isn't bottoming out because everything went right back to where it was when I put it all back together. I can also get my hand to the lock and push the lever that the popper is hooked to and it still wont open.
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
so was it the lock your last post kinda lost me? If its not the lock and its not bottoming out then it sounds like you might have a bad striker set up or something.
I am not sure. I am thinking it is the lock that is stoping the door from opening. I really haven't had time to get up in the door and look at it, er feel it. lol
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
Well, I got it figured out. That was something inside the door panel that was stopping the locks on the latch from unlocking, so whenever I would hit the automatic locks it wouldn't unlock. Cut that small piece out and now the door will unlock and open. Gotta love the small things in life.
2004 Chevy Cavalier
2.2 Ecotec
Modified all to hell
Forged Internals
Nitrous Oxide
haha I know exactly what you did and I laugh cause I did this and its such a PITA to get it to open. When you installed your solenoids there was a spot on the locking mechanism that you were supsed to zip tie or keep pulled back with wire so that when you close the door it doesnt lock. I dont have pics of it but what you have to do now is get into the car and unscrew as much of the door panel as possible if its still on...then you have to jam your hand way back into the door all the way to the end of the door and flip that switch that is locked right now. Once you flip that switch your door will re open and you have to tie back that switch so that the next time your door closes it doesn't lock like it is right now. I can't find it but there was a step by step on cardomain with pics of exactly what i am talking about. And between you and me, don't use a zip tie to tie this switch down. I used some like 12 guage steel wire to do mine and it hasn't moved in two years.