Accident + Major Camber afterwards? - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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not trying to double post, as the one below this is about subframe which i THINK is the problem just wanted to get some suggestions before i tackle that.. Anyway
got in an accident (front pass. side) control arm was gone.. the back was out of whack pretty bad .. anyway i replaced :
Control arm,
Axle(which broke in accident)
Tie rod end
and Strut (even tho it didnt look bad or bent)
anyway now my wheel sits Center with the wheel well (control arm fixed) but i have some nasty camber the wheel at the top sticks out of the fender , not literally but at that angle.
Had a body guy come over saying its most likely subframe.
only thing that hasnt been replaced that i can think to do would be Knuckle/hub when i looked at it it looked fine but i know parts can be bent by looking fine
Do you guys have any other suggestions? other than the subframe as to why i get such nasty camber? i can provide pix if anyone wants them
which side sticks out the side that got hit or the other side? if its the other side something may have been shifted that way or bent if its the pass side that sticks out
1- is it the right size fender put on new
2- is the A arm bent causing the tire to sit like this " /:::/ " instead of " |:::| "
by the way thats my MSN messenger forgot that lol
the a arm was bent like i said i replaced it .. now its strictly camber. ill post pix up in a little bit..
ok and ignore that last post was in wrong topic lol
oh and u could try putting a level going from the ground to the top of the tire to see if its straight up down or leaning
its clearly not level thats wut im saying MAJOR camber..
heres pix of driver side and pass. side its weird because it got hit on the passenger side and thats the side that sticks out when it shoudl be the opposite but on impact the tie rod end just snapped i guess the wheel swing around causing it to come out passenger side i have no clue.. on with pix..
Passeger side (side of impact)
Driver side:
Yeah you can see your frame is bent. Look at how the hood sits against the fenders. Small gap on top on passenger side and smaller gap at the bottom. Reverse for drivers side. The entire frond end is shifted towards the drivers side. Which makes sense cause you said it was a passenger side collision.
I don't really know much at all about body work but I'd say at a minimum you need to have you frame put on a puller and have the frame straightened.
I meant large gap on top of hood on passengers side, smaller gap at the bottom
its clear the frame is bent.. i will get that fixed for cheap after i fix the wheel problem.. the subfram wouldnt effect the body parts.. im thinking i need new subframe and i would be good to go?
all the body parts are pretty much chillen on the car there not aligned or nething
the body guy said it wasnt safe to pull the subframe much or something so he suggested i buy a new one
ethan he was hit on the PASSENGER side so everything if it was shifted to drivers would have put the drivers side out further not the pass by ur pictures the tire looks relatively striaght up and down at the angles u took pictures u shouldnt be able to see the bottom of the tire if the camber was off that bad it almost looks as if the a arm maybe is to long making it stick out that much further
so its not the subframe otherwise ued be griping about the drivers side sitting like that i think maybe ur front end"frame" not the subframe is tweaked u should look down the side of the car on drivers side to see if it tweaks out to the left and on pass side in so um lets say it be like those busses with the black tarp in the middle like 2 buses put together when taking a turn lol
ya but the way the tie rod snapped i think its quite possile it had a reverse effect cuz it looks like the driver side tire is not OUT far enough.. the camber is off alot but just not too noticeable in the pictures. initial pix of the accident.. only effected the pass. corner im thinking since the tie rod snapped on impact and the tire flung out it could vary well be the subframe came alone with the tire and control arm and tweaked towards the side of impact
once again the back of the control arm like partially sliced the subframe in the movement and the back of the control arm was completly gone with just the bolt hanging there it like ripped the control arm right out which wold again pull it towards pass. side since the wheel is turned
I guess i was not clear in what I meant. I was making the suggestion that the tires are actually straight, that the body is shifted towards the driver side (Passenger side impact) that would make it LOOK like the wheels were shifted towards the passenger side...while it was just the fenders that were not sitting right due to the body misalignment.
Just a guess though, And an uneducated one at that.
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