When trying to turn the selector knob for the hvac function (feet,defrost,recirc,etc) the knob will not turn to the settings on either side, such as recirc on right side and defrost on other. It kind of feels like it is springing back to the previous setting. Has anyone encountered this problem before?
I have it pisses me off so much what is happening is the cable is binding up right at the sleave behind the unit. if u reach under the dash u will be able to feel behind there for the cable when i change and it does that i have to reach under and guide the cable in as i turn it seems to do it right at the middle setting cause past there either side is fine then. just feel for the sleave and then move over and ull feel the cable cord itself as u turn the know just guide it in till the bend u created goes in then ur fine of tear ur dash apart and repleace the cable. it does this cause of all the slack in the cable behind there. any help let me know hope this helps you.