You may have seen my previous post about my 96 Sunfire with the 2.2L that has trouble first starting for the day and then is fine for the rest of the day. I have some more information. I noticed this morning when I pressed the gas pedal a little the car started without sputtering. Before I pressed the gas pedal I started the car without using the gas, when the car finally started the rpms went up and down slightly and the car ran rough. I turned the car off and started it pressing the gas pedal a little fired right up. Could this be the IAC? Any help/advice is greatly appreciated!!
How long has it been since youre fuel filter has been changed?. How long has it been since youre can has had a tune up plugs / wires / air filter. Ihave you got a pressure test done on youre fuel pump.
Yes, it sounds like the IAC. If the IAC is stuck, the ECU cannot give the engine more air when it's cold. There's more friction in a cold engine, so even though it might run fine when warm, the RPMs will wander around between 500 and 1000 when it's cold. It may even stall when you come to a stop. I have my IAC valve unplugged because I can't stand the ECU overriding my throttle input. A side effect of that is unstable operation until it warms up, but it's a price I'm willing to pay.
Anyhow, I'm assuming you actually want yours plugged in and working. In that case here's how you test it...
Get your car running.
Pop your hood.
Pull off your brake booster hose and stick your thumb over it.
Introduce a small vacuum leak by lifting your thumb off the hose slightly to create a small opening.
The RPMs will rise a bit, but if your IAC is operational, it will close a bit to compensate and the RPMs will drop back down to normal idle.
If you close the opening with your thumb again, the RPMs will drop, but should rebound as the IAC reopens.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd