Hey folks
I recently purchased a used 2003 Cavalier. The dealer gave me 2 extra key fobs (for a total of three) but said they didn`t have time to program the extras. They said i could come back another day and they would program them for free, but i`d like to know how to do it manually. Does anyone here know how to do this? I`ve found a million sites for every other GM model, but nothing on the Cavalier. I`ve tried procedures for other GM models without luck. Any ideas?
It's actually the same. You just have to hold the buttons for a certain amount of time. I wish I could remember how to do it exactly. Sorry, this really wasn't of much help.
Only if you connect the learner circuit
Shifted wrote:
You can't program it by holding the buttons in otherwise I could walk around a parking lot with my spare FOB and unlock anybody's car...
I`m a little confused by your answer Shifted. I`m reading web sites that explain step by step, how to manually program a key fob.
(For a 2006 Yukon)
Close all doors, insert key in ignition, press & hold door unlock botton.
Turn ignition switch ON - OFF - ON - OFF then release the unlock button.
The doors will lock & unlock to confirm programing mode.
Press & hold the lock and unlock buttons simultaneously on the key fob for 15 seconds. The doors will lock and unlock confirming successful programing. Now grab the second key fob
and again hold the lock and unlock buttons for 15 sec. till the doors lock & unlock. Keep repeating this for up to four seperate fobs. Turn the ignition ON - OFF to exit programing.
Diffrent makes and models have diffrent procedures, but are (roughly) the same. I was wondering if there was a simular way to do the Cavaliers. I can`t see how you could walk around a parking lot unlocking cars with a sequence like this.
Only way to do it is with a Tech2 tool on 00+ models.. i went through this recently after both my FOBs died.
Take it to a dealer, only takes 2mins to do.
Oh well. Would have been nice. I should probably get back to the dealership while it`s still free. I`m sure it won`t take long for them to forget about me. Thanks for the input.
they did mine free.. its really a 2min job, they plug in the tech2 tool, punch a few buttons, and press the buttons on the remote. When i called they sounded confused and quoted me $40 for it. but i went in a few days later and it was free.