I just brought my 1996 Cavalier back from a 3 year park because of money problems. After some minor problems, 3 months later, I idled for about an hour in cold temps. My cars temps went to high (not red) but I turned on the fan at high, and temps go back to normal. After, when I resumed normal driving my low coolant light came on and went off. Seemed to happen when I took second gear to 40 km. It would come on, go off. Is this normal? I remember putting in coolant when I first started the car 3 months before. I do remember it being rusy though...
Can anyone help me with this?
No its not normal, Its either youre coolant is low, Or youre low coolant indicator switch is starting to fail.
I would check the thermostat and flush and refill the whole system...
I did that and now it seems my car on the highway goes almost to redline (coolant temp) and stays there. if I turn on the fan, its gets even hotter. Do I have an air bubble in there maybe? Could the coolant not be circulating well?