my car is at about 106k miles and i wanna switch it to mobile 1 or royal purple... i havent had any problems with leaks so far... will it be safe and if not wut can i do to fix it? i do plan on gettin a gm sc in a few months a long with a built or rebuilt motor... i just wanna extend the life of this one just in case i put the blower on it for awhile..
it would be fine. but make sure instead of 5 quarts of synthetic get 4 quarts of syn. and a quart of lucas oil stabilizer. no difference switching to syn but a big difference with that in it
You may also want to consider Mobil 1 oil filters...very high quality...
There is one cautionary...on a high mileage engine, during the first and possibly
the second oil change, sometimes there may be high oil consumption...then
suddenly the problem stops...
As far as I know, there has been no explanation why this sometimes happens...
Cavi Power wrote:it would be fine. but make sure instead of 5 quarts of synthetic get 4 quarts of syn. and a quart of lucas oil stabilizer. no difference switching to syn but a big difference with that in it
thnx, thats exactly wut i was gonna do... is it the same stabilizer u use for regular oil, or do they have a special one for synthetic?
or just go 5qts of mobil synthetic. they say now a days you dont need anything else and dont have to worry about switching. and i dont hear a lot of good things about that lucas oil stuff. just makes the oil thicker and i have heard of a lot of bad stories about that stuff.
i thought it was supposed to make the oil thinner
I switched my '99 Z at 90k miles to Mobil 1 two years ago and have had zero issues since. The main improvement is cold startup noise. It doesn't have the 15 seconds of valve train clacking when it is 10 degrees in the morning.
Not what others have told me, it goes in almost as a gel. and makes it thicker to stick to those gears in that display they have so it makes it go up higher on the gear display.
I'd stick with Mobil 1, no additives.
This thread may be worth a read as well.
well either way with or without the lucas should be good.on the other hand welcome to the over 100K club, the exclusive club where cavy owners get to start replacing things
Andy smith wrote:well either way with or without the lucas should be good.on the other hand welcome to the over 100K club, the exclusive club where cavy owners get to start replacing things
yea, ive been replacing stuff but nothin big. im gonna rebuild my motor soon so no big deal
how long should i have the synthetic in before i can race?
to me it shouldnt matter. I say put it in and run it like normal.
I have using Mobil 1 synt. oil on my 2.4L with k&n oil filter for 2 years
and i not have any problems
You can change to Synthetic oil, but I wouldnt do it since synthetic oil is thinner. I have used valvoline oil and Filter for about 50,000 miles now and havent had no leaks, oil consumption and the car starts up nice and quitely in all conditions. I would recommend valvoline oil to anyone. This is just my opinion, just like everyone gave you there opinion, the final chioce is yours. Good Luck!
when it comes to boobs i need a girl with bad grades cause im tired of all the ones walking around with straight a's
Jay Blake wrote:You can change to Synthetic oil, but I wouldnt do it since synthetic oil is thinner. I have used valvoline oil and Filter for about 50,000 miles now and havent had no leaks, oil consumption and the car starts up nice and quitely in all conditions. I would recommend valvoline oil to anyone. This is just my opinion, just like everyone gave you there opinion, the final chioce is yours. Good Luck!
NOT TRUE! Synthetic oil is NOT thinner then regular oil. According to Mobil 1's web site, synthetic oil does not cause leaks in seals. All oil comes from crude oil, just regular oil contains more impurities then synthetic, because synthetic is man-made. The weight of the oil (5W30, 10W40) is the thickness of the oil.
The main difference between regular and synthetic is that the synthetic leaves a thin film on all engine parts when you shut the car down. When you start it back up, that film provides a protection against engine wear during the start-up period before the oil circulates.
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
Vincent whats up?sorry to change the subject.when you going to go to cordova again?