Never, never never, never use starting fluid on gasoline engines. I should take that can of ether, and wap you over the head with it.
Seriously, starting fluid is not neccessary, the engine has the capabilities to start itself, if you further induce starts like that, you could risk breaking
internal parts, putting your simple diagnosis into a catastrophe. (throw a rod, drop a lifter... wreck your head gascut) yeah yeah, I know it wouldnt happen...
thats not saying it wont happen.
Ask these questions to yourself.
When it started it was rough, what did your fuel guage read, when it was running rough?
When you keyed the ign, could you hear the whirr of the fuelpump, (does it for 3-5 sec as a prime. and then stops)
Go under the driver side of the car, with your ice scraper, and thump on the fuel tank, do you know "for-sure" that theres fuel in the tank. (I know, it couldnt have run
out, because I had more than enough)
This has happened to me, fuel tank read half a tank, tank was empty, I ran out of gas, and thought it was ANYTHING else but the fuel tank.. I was down for 2 days, because
The fuel guage was giving me a miss-reading. I thought it was my computer... silly
anyways. onward
Your catalytic converter couldnt be plugged, because that cant happen over night. believe me, you would notice a long drawn out loss in power...(over a couple of days, even weeks) you would have noticed it last week..
Water in your fuel, (gas floats on water) perhaps, but something that wouldn't happen overnight, unless warm fuel re-circulated into the tank, warmed the fuel in the tank. and then the tempereture fell from 20deg-f to -5deg F in less then 10min.
Still, wouldn't get water in the fuel, because condensation if it were to accumilate would do so over a period of months, not hours. (outside air cooler, then air inside tank
All the underhood connectors are "for sure" connected (no one was under the hood, since when you operated It last) Were there any faulty connectors that you told yourself "Yeah, Ill fix that later..?"
Has the car had service preformed on it lately.. Is it due?
Did the car act, preform oddly, driving out?
When was the last time you changed your plugs? have you done a cyl compression test?
Now that you have concidered all these things, Im going to ask you this question.
Does your car have a locking fuel cap?
Do you know anyone who whould sabotage your car, overnight? Because it sounds like someone sugared your tank, mate
If you think that might have happened, you need to siphon the remaining fuel out of your tank.. then,
theres a valve on the fuel rail (somewhere allong it, there has to be) with your eyes out of the way, so you dont get it in the face, depressurize the system.
if theres no valve, just carfully disconnect the line from the fuel rail, with a rag over the connection, to keep fuel spray to a minimum..
It will squirt quickly, then leak...
Then take off the fitting that goes from the fuel line, into the fuel rail. pull that apart, and slip a 5foot long piece of 1/2 garden hose over it and leave it for now.
Go and get 5 gallons of premium fuel, and 2 bottles of fuel system cleaner.. Put the fuel system cleaner into the tank (first, both bottles) the add about 4 1/2 gallons of gasoline.
leaving a little left over, for part cleaning.
With the hose from your fuel rail, going into the now empty gascan, put ot all ciggaretts, and or sources of combustion.... Put the keys into the ignition, and kick it to the run position. You should hear the fuel pump kick on.. when it stops (because its on a thermal delay) trun the car off, and wait 2 seconds, and switch back to on, keying the fuel pump again..
continue untill you have about 1/4gallon of fuel in the gas-can.
Take the fuel rail off the injectors, by undoing the clips, and pulling gently upwards. take the regulator off the fuel rail, two bolts, screws... slosh around in gasoline.
put back together. You can get someone else to do this, while your cleaning the fuel pump..
Before you put the fuel rail back on to the injectors, use a spoon, or a turkey bastor, or whatever, and put a small amount of clean fuel in the injectors, this will get started on cleaning the fuel injectors...while your putting everything back together..
Put it all back together, be carefull when threading the fuel line, into the fuel rail, its aluminum, and will strip very easy.. blue-locktite on threads..dont overdo it.
Check all fittings etc..
Start vehicle.. let idle, and after warm, bring Idle up to 2500 and hold for couple of minutes.. after that, rev it right to stall speed (automatic 3800rpm) (standard, take to 6000)
and let it fall, and again.. and let it fall... as soon as the idle levels out, and you feel confident that its not going to stall, take it to your nearest fuel station, and fill it to the top with midgrade, (adding fuel injector cleaner first) and drive it around..
as soon as a parts shop opens on monday, get a locking fuel cap..
If your wondering how I know how to do this, expirience.. my friend..
Im going to think about your problem some more.. I still cringe at the thought of that starter fluid... eek...
scary man.. way to death-deal your car...
Ill be back...