Last month my neighbor had to have his 2002 Cavi towed to the dealer...
This was after he called me to take a look....
He'd broken off the end of the serpentine belt tensioner...
(I think he turned the tensioner arm counter-clockwise instead of clockwise to loosen
the belt for an alternator replacement and broke the tensioner arm...
Today, he asked me to help him do an air cleaner filter change, he's a newby....
Then I noticed...
On the spring tower, passenger side, there were marks and slight dings where a "tool"
had been attached to raise the engine for that tensioner replacement....
(Remember, on the 2200, old pushrod engine, there's not enough room to replace
the serpentine tensioner unless the engine mounts are loosened and the engine
is raised.)
Does anybody know what that "tool" was that the dealer used to raise the engine
using the spring tower ? ...
If it's not too expensive, I'd like to have one of these tool in my tool kit ...
On the spring tower, passenger side, there were marks and slight dings where a "tool"
had been attached to raise the engine for that tensioner replacement....
(Remember, on the 2200, old pushrod engine, there's not enough room to replace
the serpentine tensioner unless the engine mounts are loosened and the engine
is raised.)
I think what you are describing is marking from a strut / suspension piece used for noises. On the old 2200 all I had to do was lift the car, remove pass wheel and splash shield and I had access to everything.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Of TECHNET Professionals
Member Option D Racing
Option D, I'd very much appreciate your re-checking ....
If there is a "tool" to help raise the engine ...
I for one would like to have one ...
There is it should be the hooks used on a engine hoist. Your going to have to look and see where GM left the mountings on the engine during assembly.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Of TECHNET Professionals
Member Option D Racing
Thank you ...]
You must be meaning the engine hoist hooks to the spring tower and the lifting chain
forms a "V" for lifting and stabilization ...
Is there a "special" way to hook to the spring tower ? ...
I'm beginning to visualize, did the lifting chain only brush against the spring tower and
leave those marks ?
That would mean, no special tool to "lever" the engine up somehow...
Thanks !
It's really hard to say. There are so many things that could leave marks on a strut tower. But an engine hoist does not connect to the tower. I doubt very serious that GM expects a tech to yank a motor out to replace the serp tensioner. Your going to have to try and lift the car and see if the sub frame has spots in it for belt access.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Of TECHNET Professionals
Member Option D Racing
Option D, please forgive my ignorance....
If you do find out to replace the serpentine belt tensioner, from below, that's
somehow what I'd do after removing the passenger side inner fender well...
Let us know (this for a 2002 with pushrods) ....
There is a "special tool". Its GM Tool # J 28467-360 -- Engine Support Fixture -- but a jack w/ a block of wood between the jack pad and oil pan will work.
Drive Belt Tensioner Replacement
1. Remove engine mount strut. (aka lower mount)
2. Remove motor mount. (aka upper mount) -- see below:
3. Raise engine to access tensioner bolt.
4. Remove tensioner bolt and tensioner
Engine Mount Replacement
1. Remove the coolant recovery tank mounting bolt.
2. Remove the coolant recovery tank and position it aside.
3. Remove the cruise control module mounting nuts and position aside.
4. Remove mounting nut from both A/C line and position lines out of the way.
5. Install the
J 28467-360 and raise the engine off of the mount.
6. Remove the nuts holding the mount to the body.
7. Remove the bolts holding the engine mount to the bracket.
8. Remove the engine mount assembly.
Installation is reverse
Kardain, all I can say, the 2002 pushrod engine probably has to be lifted...
And, a special tool, "J 28467 360" , whatever that is, can be used...
I'll have my floor jack and blocks of wood ready whenever the time come...
Thanks !