What cause a CEL code P0121 I have replaced the TPS and am still getting it. Looks like who ever had the car before me cut the plug and put a new one on. but I don't know if it is wired right or not. If anyone can get some pics of the plug that goes to the TPS I would really appreciate it.
I only have my info on a '93 2.2 but here goes(In case it's any help) someone will have info for your car.
Mine has:-
1. Pin A------- 5volt reference
2. Pin B-------- Ground
3. Pin C--------Nominal 0.6 volts at idle or ign. on eng. stopped but in range 0.33 volts to 1.33 volts
DTC P0121 TP Sensor Circuit Insufficient Activity (From FAQ above) This would seem to indicate that your TPS signal is not varying---maybe connected incorrectly by previous owner.
You need to get an Uhms reading from each pin. From ecu to connect and see if you have a short in the harness.
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Of TECHNET Professionals
Member Option D Racing
If some one with the 2.2 can take a good close picture of the tps and plug so I can look at the wire colors and were they connect so I can get a general idea of where they hook up I would appreciate it.