anyone know how much antifreeze is needed after a complete drain/flush (ecotec engine)?
8.6 quarts
1 gallon jug, Mix it with %50 coolant and %25 water, Too much coolant wont make youre cooling work properly.
Hey Rich
So where did the other 25% go?
Did you mean 50% coolant and 50% water?
Is it true that the dexcool causes a lot of problems with gm cooling systems?
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Dexcool is what modern GM engines require. It is NOT a type of anti-freeze, it IS a specification for performance and reactants. Only use Dexcool compatible antifreeze in a 50% to 75% mix depending on your climate (50/50 for most, higher antifreeze in extremely cold areas).