So it decides to snow all day yesterday and today and I noticed that my car just started to overheat. It is full with coolant. The temperature stays fine until I drive it for a while, and then it will go all the way to the red marker. My car is a 96 2.2 POS. I really think itisthe thermostat but I figured I would ask you guys first.
Of course the first thing I would replace the thermostat, Plus went replacing the thermostat, I would reccomend getting a coolant flush done. Also I would take a look at youre heater hoses for bloadedness, Also inspect the rad as well, That could also could have blockage in the heater cores.
Good Luck.
First thing would be too check the radiator to be sure it's not full of snow. Sometimes snow will just stick to the radiator and form a build up of slush, ice and snow.
2.3 Ho
Does it cool off if you rev the engine?
the temperature has went down if I get on it sometimes but it doesnt do that very often. Also, i checked the radiator hoses and they really dont have much pressure inside of them. Is there any chance of it being a water pump problem?
are you driving in snow by any chance? thats alot stress on the drive train I would try some water wetter that may drop the temp. the stuff says it will drop the temp by 10 degrees. like was mentioned check your hoses
the snow is all melted off now, but it is still overheating. Within about three miles of just starting my car in the morning it is allready up to the red warning line. I have a few hours before I have to work so I am going to replace the thermostat.