It looks like I need to remove the power steering pump to get at the water assembly on my '96 2.4L. Can I just take out the two bolts that hold the pump on and move it out of the way? How does the pump connect to the cam/engine? Will I have engine oil or power steering fluid all over the place? thanks.
Anyone have an idea how this is done? I'm about to tackle the same issue shortly.
Thanks for the help.
Yup, pop those two side bolts out and pull the pump off the cam tower. Power steering fluid shouldn't come out, even if you put it upside down (mine hung upside down for a few days... no fluid loss). The PS pump is driven by the intake cam, by a hex drive. It just fits into the end of the cam. There may be a small bit of oil that comes out of the end of the cam carrier.
Out of curiousity... what part of the "water assembly" are you getting to?
im guessing he means wateroutlet.. prolly not necessary but easier to work in there and the p/s pump is easy to remove
Yes, water outlet. Much easier to work on with the power steering pump out of the way. Pump comes off easy. The water outlet part was all cracked at the rubber o-ring. Bought a new water outlet and o-ring. So far no more leaks. Now if I can only fix the intermittent sputtering and misfires!