Short term storage(ie, 3 or 4 months)
Change the oil and filter
Over inflate the tires by 5lbs, cold
Add gas stabalizer, fill tank, drive for 15 minutes to get gas with gas stabilzer to carb, park. Do not start the car until ready to bring out in spring, if you do run the car, drive it, make sure the engine gets hot(more than 15 minutes), running a car for 5-10 minutes a month is not good for the engine or exhaust system, as it allows moisture to build up and cause rust. Fogging an engine for short term storage is not neccessary. Disconnect the battery.
Inside storage, leave windows down a bit, put desicant pads(moisture absorbant) inside car, with a few moth balls to chase off any rodents.
Outside storage, get a good breathable car cover and secure it so the weather doesnt blow it off, windows up, add desicant and moth balls